Today Pope Francis will launch the worldwide, two-year “Share the Journey” campaign, calling on Catholics and the faithful to ‘encounter’ migrants and refugees in an effort to break down barriers of fear and suspicion and build bridges of understanding and hospitality.
Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are part of a global network of Caritas organizations participating in the campaign. Together they have launched a new website ahead of and in support of the global “Share the Journey” campaign in support of migrants and refugees around the world. The new campaign website offers ways in which people, parishes, schools and other groups can participate. “Share the Journey” is a call to prayer, to reflection and to action. Through prayers and acts of compassion and support, the goal is to shape conversations and actions to answer the Gospel call to love our neighbors.
Pope Francis, who will perform a symbolic gesture of “reaching out” to migrants and refugees, inviting others around the world to join him in doing the same. The campaign will also be supported by dozens of bishops across the United States who will also offer similar reaching out gestures within their own dioceses.
A week of Prayer and Action is scheduled from October 7 to October 13 that calls on all Catholics and all people of goodwill to take a public action in support of migrants and refugees in their communities and local dioceses. For additional information and updates on ways to get involved, please visit the campaign website: