From the Bishop:
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Friends in the Lord all,
As we enter the grace and blessing of a new year, we reflect with gratitude to God on the many opportunities to live our faith anew with the talents and gifts that the Lord has given to all of us.
The local Church of Orange has a reputation nationally and beyond as a place of vibrant Faith, enthusiasm and service to those who are “the least among us.” Thank you for your generosity, which is part of this great portrait of God’s love among us. This generosity is truly a sign of your love of God that draws us all together. It is a reflection of the word “catholic,” which means universal – a sign for all to see of gratitude to God for the blessings that we have received and to be seen by the entire world.
In that light, thank you over the years for your participation in the Pastoral Services Appeal – or as it is known in shorter form – the “PSA”. The Pastoral Services Appeal helps to support the ministries of our diocesan Church and strengthens the mission of the Church in all of our parishes and centers, and helps to strengthen our bonds of communion and family in our local Church.
I invite you to become familiar with the vital ministries and services that support and serve thousands in our community and learn about the impact these ministries have on the life and mission of the local Church. You can learn more by visiting
Thank you once again for your generosity in ways great and small to the Body of Christ over all of these years. As I once learned in Cursillo many years ago: “Christ is counting on us.”
Gratefully yours in the Lord,
Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, J.C.D., D.D.
Bishop of Orange
2015 Highlighted Ministries in Focus
Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance
In 2014, more than 2,400 children were given the gift of a Catholic education where it may not have been possible without tuition assistance. With the assistance of the school principal, these funds are granted directly to the family in need and do not go to the school’s operating fund.
“A total of 99 percent of the Santa Ana Catholic school students go on to high school, and 90 percent of those students go on to college compared to 42 percent of students in public schools who graduate high school. The students are being given the tools that they need to succeed. They bring those tools to their own new families so they have a huge impact in the local community and our Church…”
—Sr. Theresa Lynch, CSJ, Principal, St. Anne School, Santa Ana
“The teachers and staff all reiterate our message as parents. It’s not only the common core subjects of reading, writing and science…, but also the religion, integrity, character and morals. With tuition assistance, I feel that no single socio-economic class is over-represented. This diversity is great for the children’s education…”
—Cuong Nguyen, parent, St. Columban School, Garden Grove
Catholic Deaf Community
The religious and social support offered to Catholic deaf adults and children allows them to grow in their understanding of their giftedness and empowers them to become all they can be in our Catholic community and the world. Each year, religious education, sacramental preparation and liturgy are provided to hundreds of people in American Sign Language.
“Every week the Catholic Deaf Community provides full communication in American Sign Language for religious education classes and Mass with families of deaf children, giving them knowledge and hope about God. The parents are happy to see that their children are being involved in the faith and are able to sign, and the family is learning together. I believe this is very important because the deaf children are able to identify who they are and they feel welcome and belong as part of the faith community. It is important to teach them and to continue to help them grow in their faith in God, and this is all made possible by a community that supports them.”
—Kathy Ivankay, pastoral worker, Catholic Deaf Community
Permanent Deacon Formation and Support
Your gifts support men in their formation to become permanent deacons and continues to support them through ordination and beyond into their ministry. There are currently 120 active deacons serving a unique role in our diocese, including their primary charism of service to the poor.
“The permanent deacons connect people and help to bridge Gospel values with the family lived experience. They are a powerful connection to God’s grace in the moment that people need that grace of God’s presence with them.”
—Father Steve Sallot, Vicar General, Diocese of Orange
“One of my favorite parts of being a Deacon is helping young people to develop a better way of living and knowing more about their faith.”
—Deacon Ben Flores, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Delhi, Santa Ana
You’re invited
You are invited to join hands with all Catholics in Orange County and embody the values of Jesus’ teachings by making a sacrificial gift to our 2015 “Proud to be Catholic—Living Our Faith” Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA).
In making a charitable gift to the PSA, you are assured that 93 percent of every dollar is used directly to support the coming year’s operation of the ministries and services listed in the PSA brochure and on the Orange Catholic Foundation website at and your parish directly through parish rebates. Each year, up to 50 percent of the total dollars raised are returned to the parishes for their own important projects through monthly rebates once the parish share goal is fulfilled.
Pledge envelopes are available at your parish or center for your convenience in making your pledge. You are encouraged to make a ten-month pledge using the convenient payment options available, including monthly, quarterly, electronic funds transfer and credit card. You may also go online at and make your pledge directly on the secure online giving page. All pledges made on this site will be credited to the parish of your choice.
Together in Faith, we are…
- 62 parishes and Catholic cultural centers
- 189,379 registered families
- 12,332 students in 34 Catholic elementary schools6,569 students in 7 Catholic high schools28,998 children in parish religious education
- 16,328 youth in youth ministry
- 37,770 sacraments administered by 263 diocesan and religious priests and 120 permanent deacons
- 44,552 ministered to in our jails
- 165,674 served through Catholic Charities of Orange County
- 1,319,262 Catholic population (43 percent of OC population)
The PSA is a program of the Orange Catholic Foundation that annually conducts the PSA on behalf of Bishop Kevin Vann for the benefit of the Diocese of Orange. or (714) 282-3021
2015 Ministries and Services Funded:
Growing Our Faith:
Scholarships for Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance $1,025,000
Scholarships for Lay Ministry Formation $ 160,000
Parish Stewardship Education.. $ 143,284
Orange Catholic Foundation ….. $ 788,461
Sharing Our Faith
Catholic Charities of Orange County $ 622,000
Catholic Deaf Community………. $ 173,400
Catholic Restorative Justice and Detention Ministry $ 448,800
Serving in Faith:
Diaconate Formation and Support $ 218,000
Priest Continuing Education…… $ 415,000
Vocations………………………………. $ 219,000
Seminarian Education…………. $ 1,128,500
PSA Administrative Costs (7.5 percent of total campaign
including parish rebates)………… $ 800,555
Parish Incentives and Parish Contingency Fund $ 80,000
Total 2015 Ministries and Services Funded $6,222,000
Potential Parish Rebates……… $4,500,000
Projected 2015 PSA Campaign Results: $10,722,000