Most of us have been under shelter-in-place for quite a while now, and some are very anxious, stressed to the point of breaking down. We were used to busying ourselves and not being home with each other for an extended amount of time; we don’t know what to do.
To me, I think this time of confinement in our homes is a blessing from God. It feels like I am waiting in my tomb. Am I ready, am I nuts, or out of my mind?
Don’t laugh at me, but early in March, when people hurried to the stores, stocking up on food and goods, I went to several Masses and recorded Eucharistic celebrations with my cell phone. I was thinking of my soul food for when I would not be able to participate in daily Masses. I didn’t know then when my local churches’ doors closed, that it opened up many more church doors for me to join in our Lord’s Supper via livestream- although it is not the same as celebrating together in churches. One can’t compare talking with someone via Facetime or Zoom is the same as conversing in person.
Most of us were sleep deprived before this pandemic, now after so many hours of sleep, for days, we are caught up. We feel rested now.
How often can one’s family spend time together, or at least have a meal with almost everyone home? Now you can spend time planning, cooking, and eating together.
How many times do you wish to have a few days to put your lives, your house in order? Now you have a whole month or all the time you need. At least I attempted to reconcile with some people by phone, sending them cards, or writing some notes.
You wanted to learn a new thing? Now is the time to put it in practice.
You wanted to travel but have no time or money? With the click of a button on the internet and your imagination, you can be where ever you want, seeing anything you never thought you would be able to see.
How many Churches can you visit around the world in a day in real time? I found myself attending Mass with Pope Francis in Saint Peter’s Basilica or in his private chapel. Then, I “went” with my friends to a Basilica in the Philippines, Singapore, China, Mexico, and South Africa. I went across the seven continents, going to places I could only dream of. However, I long for the day when we all can be in the church together to celebrate the Eucharist.
With so much time on hand, I learned to cook healthy meals with simple ingredients so, hopefully, I don’t turn into a pig after this shelter-in-place order is lifted. My mouth and my hands refuse to follow the six feet social- distancing advisory. Sigh!
For many of you to have to lockdown with other individuals, sometimes only one other person is too many. May God give you lot of patience, tolerance, and understanding.
For those who have to work, or are on the front line, May God protect you and keep you safe. Don’t be afraid, and peace be with you, for God always reassures his people.
For the ones who lost or are losing their job, may you put your trust in God. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
For the departed souls, may Saint Peter open the Gate where Father Abraham will embrace you in his arms as he leads you into God’s peace. Also, may God be with your loved ones, as they are consoled by God and his Mother’s love.
Do you see this COVID-19 virus? Definitely with your naked eyes, you do not see it, but you believe its presence so much that it created a global pandemic. Why don’t you believe that Jesus loves us so much that he gave himself for us in the form of bread and wine, turned into His body and blood? “Blessed are those who have not seen, but still believe!” (Jn 20:29)
May this Easter season be the wakeup call for all who don’t believe, or doubt GOD, our Creator.
Come back to me, all of you, my beloved
On the Cross, I gave my breath, my blood, my life to you
Visit me, even for a few minutes. Don’t say that you have no time in your busy life
I am your God, I give you what you need and all the things you have
Deeper than what you think…
19– psalm: God’s Glory in Creation and the Law
COVID 19 become a pandemic in 2020, so sing psalm 20: Prayer for Victory. The LORD answers you in the day of trouble! The name of the God of Jacob protects you! Psalms20:1