“Hey sis, what are you doing? Any plans for this weekend?” Ethyl asked her friend Luci.
“Every day is our weekend. I’m home, been cooped up for 6 months now. I’m looking forward to going out but so many people out there without masks. They don’t seem to understand about this pandemic or they don’t care. I’m very nervous and worry when we have to go out so we just stay home. And the thing is when I am bored, I eat and eat! ” Luci answered.
“I miss seeing you. I miss your hugs. I’m afraid you might not recognize me once we meet each other. You might think you see a walking pig in clothes. Eat and nap, then eat and sleep is what I have been doing, too. Did you give that COVID-19 permission to control our lives?” Ethyl joked.
“YES. For those smart and not wise, for those who think that they have the right to not wear masks or keep physical distance while out in public, or think they have the right to party and not follow the advice of CDC; or worse than that, not follow their consciences which allow this virus to spread to others. I give the virus permission to float around and if people are not careful, COVID-19 can come and stay in their bodies and then they can share the virus with their family members….
“I also give the health care workers: doctors, nurses, hospital workers, first responders the right not to treat those people. These people also have the rights to protect themselves and their family members from getting sick. Do they think these health care workers want to work with COVID-19 patients? Wake up! ” Luci said, with frustration.
“Hey sis, did you forget that we took our oath, the “Florence Nightingale Pledge” on our graduation? …..how about ask those to sign a DNT (Do Not Treat) form before they join the protests or parties, that they will not seek treatment once the COVID virus are also having fun in their bodies. I am not only worried about this but also this coming flu season. Even if we’re able to control this virus, another pandemic is on the way… Human evil and greed.
“That sounds good but I’m afraid they will not abide to what they signed. They might be the first one to demand the right to be treated with the newest discovered treatments,” Luci responded. “Oh, I’m so upset with this. So many people being cooped up in the house, especially the elderly who are vulnerable, and the ones who have to take public transportation. Many of them have NO human contact other than themselves. I just wonder with this whole virus, people who are losing their jobs, people who are forced to spend more time with others, plus stresses and worries, etc. How many people are getting more depressed, anxious, lonely, suicidal… How do you treat loneliness with alcohol or drugs? We are human, not objects. We need human contact. We need churches, temples, synagogues to be opened so we can come together to praise the Lord and be with our spiritual members. We need God, The Creator. We need food for our souls. We are more valuable than earthy material. I get so mad when I think about this (Sigh). How about you?”
“Thank God that I have chances to attend Eucharistic Celebrations and receive the Body of Christ every day. I am happy to see my church members, even if we stay six feet or more from each other, and with our masks on. I was so depressed during the ‘shelter-in-place’ order. I’m now volunteering in the community.”
“That’s good. We need to exercise and to get out of the house….. Are you going to watch the political Conventions?”
“Sis, you know we don’t see things the same way so I prefer not to talk about politics. I just think about God’s teaching and pray to the Holy Spirit to guide me when I vote,” Ethyl responded, gently avoiding answers.
“How are your chickens?” Luci asked
“I have to thank them for being around. They give me their eggs and keep me busy.”
“Do they still peck at the door to call you?”
“Yes, they still do every morning and evening. Oh, I have three new chicks, less than a week old. A couple days ago, I heard the hen shrieking, then absolute silence. I went outside and saw the hen lying down but no chicks around. After a few minutes of me talking to them, the hen got up to call her babies. One chick came out from under a lower branch, one got up from lying against a post, and one got up from between rocks. Who taught them? How do they know to respond when in danger, even when they are only few days old? This was the first time a hawk or an owl came for them.”
“I think your hen and even baby chicks are wiser than some people!” Luci laughed, and Ethyl joined her.
Using our knowledge, our common sense, to decide what the right thing to do is, is essential. Wearing masks is not a sign of weakness; it shows our concern for self and compassion for others. I am someone who believes that the COVID-19 threat is real. I will take part to curb its spread, as well as use my vote during the election to address important issues.
Be vigilant. Don’t worry too much; put our trust in God as a loving Father. Definitely, He knows what He’s doing. One day, we will happily share our heavenly banquet with Him and a choir of saints and angels. No more worry, no more tears, no more protest nor heartbreak because God is LOVE.
Everything shall pass, but how do we live our lives?