St. Anne Parish School in Santa Ana has been the recipient of many generous donations in the past, but this time St. Anne is doing the giving. The students were moved by the devastation that occurred in Texas and wanted to help. Sister Teresa, the principal at St. Anne, has a close connection with one of the Catholic schools that suffered immense flooding. Through Notre Dame’s Latino Enrollment Institute program, Sister Teresa was connected to St. Catherine of Siena in Port Arthur, Texas. Both schools benefit from the myriad of workshops and support offered by Notre Dame.
The Student Council planned a Relaxed Dress Day where students donated $2.00 towards repairs to St. Catherine of Siena. Together, the students raised a total of $500. Helping St. Catherine ignited a desire to continue to help others. This time their sight is set on those affected by the earthquake in Mexico City. The goal has been set at $500, but the students are confident that they can surpass it.
Service to others, and in particular the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, is a big part of St. Anne’s Catholic Identity. Students believe in giving back, regardless of how much or how little they can give. Visit or call (714) 542-9328 to learn more about the school and the many service projects the students participate in.