There are some people who simply refuse to take a bad photograph.
Pope Francis is one of them.
One of the many pleasures that we on the staff of Orange County Catholic enjoy nearly every day on the job is the opportunity to browse the Catholic News Service’s photo wire with a particular eye to what the Holy Father has been up to lately. Like the rest of the world, we’ve been captivated by his spontaneity, his relentless energy, his ever-ready smile and the obvious joy he takes in his encounters—often very close encounters indeed—with people of all kinds, from jail inmates to heads of state. But lately we’ve noticed something else.
In this visual feature we’ve selected some of our favorite photos of Francis from just the past few weeks. They show the pontiff at his most engaging, but they also show the extraordinary reactions of the people he comes near. We invite you to linger on their faces as well has his. This, we think, is the true measure of the man and why he has become nearly everyone’s favorite person.