During this time of uncertainty and physical distancing, Girl Scouts are creating unique, innovative, and safe ways to stay connected with each other and their community as they continue their leadership journeys – including the exploration of their personal faith. Girl Scout Cadette Troops 5366 and 6364 out of St. Joachim Catholic School in Costa Mesa worked to bridge the physical divide by hosting a free Mother Teresa Patch Program workshop that was open to all K-12 Girl Scouts of all faiths.
With the help of troop leaders Arlyn Shelton and Lorena Vega, Girl Scouts led online participants in activitie s that highlighte d the life of Blessed Mother Teresa, an influential world figure and saint. Each Girl Scout chose a part of Mother Teresa’s life to present, and participating girls completed the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) Mother Teresa Patch Program.
Troop #5366 (7th grade)
Sophia Bonahora – St. Joachim
Avery Shelton – St. Joachim
Wailana Whitford – Ensign Jr. High
Troop#6364 (6th grade)
Nancy Luna – St. Joachim
Katie Takahashi – St. Joachim
Victoria Vega – St. Joachim
Isabella Zuniga – St. John the Baptist