Dear Diocese of Orange families,
The public’s health and safety are paramount to the Diocese of Orange and all of our community and educational partners. While there have been no confirmed COVID-19 diagnoses within any of our schools, we want to ensure that we are acting with prudence and diligence for the best interest of our students, teachers, and families.
After careful consideration and in light of the fluid nature of this pandemic, the Diocese of Orange elementary schools will close their school buildings and cancel classes and student-related activities from March 16 until further notice. This closure includes any planned school events such as fundraisers, community events as well as field trips. This closure means that school buildings will not be open to children, parents, or community members during this time. Course content will be delivered utilizing the Diocesan distance learning protocol which has been distributed to all schools.
I understand this is an evolving health concern, and guidance is changing daily. This complex decision involved close collaboration and coordination with the Orange County Health Agency and Bishop Kevin Vann. I also ask that you please inform your school principal if your child receives a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.
I understand this may cause a hardship for many families. We made this decision out of maximum consideration for the health and safety of our children and school community members.
As we proceed, we are aware that there continues to be many concerns around COVID-19 and want to ensure families that we are working closely with OC Health Agency for updates and guidance. For the latest information on COVID-19, families are encouraged to visit the OC Health Agency web page dedicated to COVID-19 ( and the CDC homepage.
As a community of faith, let us hold one another in prayer during this challenging time. Please pray especially for the sick, health care providers, public health officials, and all community leaders during the weeks to come.
For updates regarding this closure, please visit our OC Catholic Schools website at
In mission,
Erin C.O. Barisano, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Diocese of Orange