From the Bishop



Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Perhaps you have noticed that the Cross on top of the Tower of Hope has been blue! I noticed this just the other night. It is blue to signify that September is Suicide Prevention month.

I will never forget that the first homily that I preached as a transitional deacon at the cathedral in Springfield, Illinois was for an individual who committed suicide. The pastor at the cathedral taught me a lot at this time. He only asked me to celebrate this Mass just a couple of days before!

I hope that the month of September was a providential occasion to reflect on the mercy and love of God; to pray to be attentive to the need and struggles ( especially mental health ) of those around us and to be able to respond with courage and compassion to those who come our way.

When we have an occasion to see yet or remember the blue light of the Cross on the Tower of Hope, it is a call to hope, compassion and mercy for every human life .

– Bishop Kevin Vann