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Here’s a powerful new episode of Orange County Catholic Radio, featuring host Rick Howick. Joining Rick for this podcast is Katie Hughes of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry.

As we emerge from the Covid lockdown, Rick reflects on the temptations of Christ after his forty days in the wilderness. Our temptations are much like those of Jesus as he emerged from the desert. Rediscover how we confront them as a parish community of Christ, and how we find Christ most completely in the parish: in the Eucharist, in the faces who surround us, and in the Christ we share in parish life.




Originally broadcast on 4/9/22


We have a very special treat to share with you on today’s podcast episode of Cathedral Square. As you may or may not be aware, each Sunday we air a ‘live stream’ of the 9:30 AM Mass at Christ Cathedral. There are several such presentations that are archived on our Facebook page.

Today, we bring you the messages that Fr. Chris delivered on both Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Be sure to share this transformative podcast with a friend!





Originally broadcast on 6/1/19



Episode 32   March 24,  2018 Christ Cathedral Musicians, Dr. John Romeri, Director of Music, and David L. Ball, Assistant Director and Organist, present a special MUSIC FROM THE TOWER with the great music for Palm Sunday and Holy Week.


MUSIC: Hosanna filio David Opening Gregorian Chant for Palm Sunday   “Hosanna to the Son of David”

MUSIC: Christus Factus Est   Gregorian Chant based upon the second reading of Palm Sunday Philippians 2: 8 – 9

MUSIC: Christus Factus Est   choral settings by Felice Anerio and Anton Bruckner   “Christ became obedient for us, even unto death”

MUSIC: Mandatum by Peter Latona   a musical setting for the washing of feet “Faith, Hope and Love, the greatest of these is Love”

MUSIC: Ubi Caritas   the Offertory Antiphon for Holy Thursday choral settings by Maurice Duruflé, Paul Mealor and Ola Gjeilo “Where charity and love prevail, God is there”

MUSIC: Ave Verum by William Byrd   a communion motet for Holy Thursday   “Hail the ture body, born of the Virgin Mary”

MUSIC: Pange Lingua   Gregorian Chant for the transfer of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday evening “Sing my Tongu, the Savior’s glory”

MUSIC: In Monte Oliveti Anton Bruckner   Motet for the stripping of the altar on Holy Thursday   “On the Mount of Olives, he prayed to the Father”

MUSIC: Miserere Mei Gregorio Allegri   The final psalm (Ps 51) of Tenebrae on Holy Thursday   “Have mercy upon me, O God”

MUSIC: Popule Meus by Tomas Luis de Vittoria   For the veneration of the Holy Cross on Good Friday “Oh my people, what have I done to you”

MUSIC: Faithful Cross by Leo Nestor For the veneration of the Holy Cross on Good Friday

MUSIC: Salvator Mundi by Thomas Tallis “O Savior of the World, save us all”

MUSIC:   Vinea mea electa by Francis Poulenc   “O vineyard, my chosen one! I planted you: how are you changed from sweet to bitter, to have crucified me and released Barrabas?”

MUSIC: O Sacred Head   by Johannes Brahms   Karl Richter, organist


VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Christians in the Middle East, particularly those who have been forced from their homes by violence and persecution, need the support of the Catholic Church, a Vatican official said. 

“Let us show them concretely our closeness, through our constant prayer and through our monetary aid,” said Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches. 

Such support is especially key now that the Ninevah Plain in Iraq has been liberated from Islamic State and “most Iraqi Christians and Syrians want to return to their own land where their houses were destroyed, with schools, hospitals and churches devastated. Let us not leave them alone,” he said in a letter sent to bishops around the world. 

The Vatican released a copy of the letter March 12. 

In the letter, the cardinal urged Catholics around the world to give to the annual collection for the Holy Land on Good Friday or on the date established by their local bishops’ conference. The collection was established in 1618 by Pope Paul V to support Eastern-rite churches in communion with Rome and maintenance of holy sites under Catholic care in the Holy Land.  

He wrote that the traditional collection is a way for Catholics worldwide “to be one with our brethren in the Holy Land and the Middle East.”  

“Unfortunately, from those territories, the outcry of thousands of persons who are deprived of everything, at times even of their own human dignity, continues to reach us, breaking our hearts and inviting us to embrace them through Christian charity, a sure source of hope,” he wrote. 

The majority of the funds go to the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, an administratively autonomous province of the Franciscan order that is responsible for most of the shrines connected with the life of Jesus as well as for providing pastoral care to the region’s Christians: running schools, developing low-cost housing, operating charitable institutions and training future priests and religious. 

The congregation uses the remaining funds for the formation and support of seminarians, priests and religious, and to help cover educational costs for young students.  

The letter said the congregation was boosting the amount it provides for education given the thousands of school-aged youth from Syria and Iraq settling in the Holy Land. 

“We cannot forget the thousands of families who fled from the violence of the war in Syria and Iraq, among whom children and youth, a great number of them of schooling-age, who appeal to our generosity in order to resume their scholastic life and may dream of a better future,” it said. 

“We hope against hope, that the schools serve as a place of encounter for the Christians and the Muslims, where they prepare a future of mutual respect and collaboration; the hospitals and clinics, the homes and meeting centers continue to welcome the suffering and those in need, refugees and displaced, persons of all ages and religions struck by the horror of war,” he said. 

Along with Cardinal Sandri’s letter, the Vatican press office released some details of how the congregation disbursed the $7.2 million raised in 2017. Nearly $900,000 was provided in emergency assistance to religious in Syria and for extra support in Jerusalem; more than $8.3 million was used to support Catholic education at every level; and about $1.6 million went to support churches in the Jerusalem, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Ethiopia and Eritrea. 

“As can be seen, expenses exceed the collection, therefore, greater cooperation and a generous commitment is needed from Christians from all over the world,” the letter said.  


DUBLIN (CNS) — While Irish pubs will be allowed to open and serve alcohol on Good Friday, March 30, for the first time in 91 years, some pub owners have vowed to remain shut and observe the tradition.

President Michael D. Higgins signed the law change into effect in advance of the religious holiday this year after overwhelming support for the move in parliament.

The ban on serving alcohol on Good Friday has been in place since 1927, when lawmakers decided that the penitential nature of the day of fast and abstinence merited a public observance. However, in recent years, pub owners have claimed that the prohibition was having a detrimental effect on tourists visiting Ireland for Easter.

However, owners in at least two towns say they will remain shut.

In Drumconrath, County Meath — north of Dublin — the three local pub owners have joined forces to observe the Good Friday tradition. Dermot Muldoon, Pauline Fay and Pat Dempsey have declared they will honor the time-old tradition this year.

“Publicans get two days off in the whole year — just two — so we decided to keep that holiday as well as keeping up the tradition and having a bit of respect for our religion,” said Muldoon.

“We’ve received a load of support from our customers; after all it’s only one day,” he added. “We were known for closing on Good Friday throughout the world — it was something different about Ireland, and now that’s gone. Slowly, all the Irish traditions are being stripped.”

Pauline Fay of Fay’s Bar said the day enables bar owners to completely switch off and spend the day with family. She added: “Quality of life has no price. I always spent the day with my children and continue to do so.”

Meanwhile, pub owners in a town in County Cork also vowed to remain shut. All six pub owners based in the town of Newmarket have decided to join together and keep the observance.

Joan Hourigan has been serving pints from the behind the counter at Hourigan’s bar for the past 50 years. She told RTE Radio that Good Friday “is something that I cherish and a tradition I want to maintain.” She said that religion is playing only “a small part” in her decision to remain closed.

One of the other pub owners in the village, Mick Hourigan, announced the move to his customers on his pub’s Facebook page, and the response from customers has been universally positive.

He said: “There are 363 days a year when the pub is open and I think that it plenty. Soon they will want us to open on Christmas Day.

“It is going against the grain — but who knows? Other pubs around the country may follow,” he said.

On the Facebook page of Hourigans Bar Newmarket, one customer wrote: “It is great to see that old traditions matter to our country … well done to you and hopefully more will follow.”

Another wrote “well done Newmarket, keep up our traditions” while one woman posted: “Well done to ye guys. Fair play. Our country needs to stand up for its traditions. Very proud that it is Newmarket leading the way — we lead where others follow.”

Over the years, revelers determined to have a drink found increasingly novel ways to indulge. Alcohol was not banned on trains, so people often bought train tickets for unnecessary return journeys in order to buy drinks. Similarly, some people in border counties organized trips to Northern Ireland where no such ban was in place.