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Welcome to another episode of Orange County Catholic Radio, featuring host Rick Howick.

Today’s guest has a life testimony that is unlike any you have heard before. Over 5 decades ago, Richard Borgman felt a strong missionary calling on his life. He spent years overseas in places ranging from Africa to Abidjan, teaching and sharing the message of Christianity. Somewhere along the way, he and his family felt a tug to convert to Catholicism. He eventually jumped in with enthusiasm. His son Scott took that commitment even further by eventually being ordained a Catholic priest. (Currently serving in the Diocese of Orange).

Do yourself a favor and tune in to this lively conversation. It’s sure to energize you and boost your spirits!





Originally broadcast on 1/1/22


Episode No. 16: Local Organist Norberto Guinaldo

Argentinian-born Norberto Guinaldo is one of the most recognized composers, organists, and church musicians in the world and has resided here in Orange County for over 50 years. Listen to some of his amazing compositions, one even dedicated to our host David Ball, and hear all about the journeys around the world of this incredible musician – from his origins in Buenos Aires, his studies in Paris, and his long career as a church musician in Southern California. Norberto’s works for organ are a beautiful mix of styles influenced by this man’s incredible life experiences – the folk tunes of South America, the Gregorian Chant of the Catholic Church, and the bravado of the French Improvisation Tradition. Find out more at


Episode No. 53 Saturday, December 1, 2018. Music from the Tower… “ON THE ROAD” with the Bishops of the Diocese of Orange and members of the Diocesan Choir and Christ Cathedral Choirs

This special edition of MUSIC FROM THE TOWER is beautiful choral music and commentary from this year’s Diocese of Orange Bishops Pilgrimage and Cruise.  During these 12 days we visited three countries, Italy, Spain, and France, and some of the world’s most beautiful cathedrals, monasteries and churches.  Our pilgrimage began at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome with a wonderful Mass in Italian with our Bishop Kevin Vann and Bishop Timothy Freyer concelebrating. Along with our Bishops we had about 25 choir members from Christ Cathedral and our Diocesan Choir, with over 100 pilgrims.  In Rome we also sang at Rome’s Cathedral Church, St. John in Lateran, and San Lorenzo in Lucina.  From Rome se headed to our cruise ship, the Symphony of the Seas, the world’s newest and largest cruise ship.  We set sail for Naples where we toured and sang in the Naples Cathedral of the Assumption. Traveling by bus we went down to the Amalfi coast to Sorrento where we had Mass in the Cathedral of Saints Philip and James.

Our next day was at sea where we had a lovely Mass on board our ship to honor Bishop William Johnson, the first bishop of Orange.  We next landed in Barcelona Spain with Sunday morning Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.  Back on our ship we headed to Palma Majorca to visit the shrines of St. Junipero Serra. We had a spectacular mass at the Basilica and Cloisters of St. Francis, where St. Serra lived from age 16 until he was 34 when he left for Mexico and California. We traveled on to Avignon, France where we celebrated a Mass at the Cathedral of Notre Dame.  Our final Mass was back in Italy at Santa Trinita in Florence. We were joined by St. Patrick Cathedral’s (New York) organist, Michael Hey and violinist Christiana Liberis (They were on Episode No 47 of MFTT).  It was an astonishing trip of prayer, music, fellowship and fun.

MUSIC:  I Was Glad  Thomas Matthews  (Sung in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome)
MUSIC:  Cantate Domino  Giuseppe Pitoni (Sung at the Cathedral of the Assumption, Naples)
MUSIC:  Draw Us In the Spirit’s Tether Harold Friedell (Sung in the Cathedral of SS Philip and James, Sorrento)
MUSIC:  Nos Autem Gloriari  Felice Anerio (Sung at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Barcelona)
MUSIC:  Faithful Cross Leo Nestor (Sung at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Barcelona)
MUSIC:  Go to the World  Sine Nomine  (Sung in the Basilica of St. Francis, Majorca)
MUSIC:  Psalm 34 Taste and See  James Chepponis.  Cantor Lauren McCaul (Sung in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Avignon, France)
MUSIC: O Taste and See  Richard DeLong  (Sung in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Avignon, France)
MUSIC: Ave Verum William Byrd (Sung in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Avignon, France)
MUSIC: Pavane  Gabriel Fauré Christiana Liberis, violin, Michael Hey, organist (Performed in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Florence, Italy)
MUSIC: O Holy Spirit  Christopher Tye  (Sung in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Florence, Italy)
MUSIC:  Psalm 119  James Chepponis  Robert DeCarlo and Lauren McCaul, cantors  (Sung in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Florence, Italy)
MUSIC:  Lux Beatissima   Howard Helvey  (Sung in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Florence, Italy)
MUSIC:  Panis Angelicus  César Franck (Sung in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Florence, Italy)
MUSIC:  Praeludium and Allegro Fritz Kreisler   Christiana Liberis, violin, Michael Hey, organist (Performed in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Florence, Italy)


Thank you, Fr. German Sanchez, for enriching our spiritual lives this advent with your message of forgiveness and love on today’s Call Me Catholic.

Fr. German was born in Columbia, studied in Ecuador, France and Italy, and served as chaplain for the prison system in France (among many other ministries). Today, he is pastor of St. Sebastian in West Los Angeles.

Keep the light burning this advent, friends, and stay alert! The Christ Child is coming soon!



Paris, France, Aug 15, 2016 / 12:32 pm (CNA/EWTN News) – Following the wave of Islamist terror attacks that have bloodied France since last year, the country’s bishops have decided to offer all Masses on the Feast of the Assumption for France.

In an Aug. 1 communique, the president of the French Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Georges Pontier of Marseille, noted how the Aug. 15 Solemnity of the Assumption has always held “a special place” in the heart of Catholics.

“In this celebration of hope, we suggest that the general intercessions of the Mass that day mention this intention,” he said, and asked that at noon sharp, “the bells of our churches sound” in unison.

“May God bless our country in the trials that she is enduring,” the archbishop said, referring to the recent terrorist attacks that have crippled the nation.

From the Jan. 7, 2015 slaughter of 12 journalists at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical weekly that has published insulting cartoons of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed, to the Nov. 13, 2015 series of bombings in Paris that claimed more than 100 lives, to the July 14 truck attack that killed 84 in Nice, and finally the brutal July 26 murder of Fr. Jaques Hamel, the French people have suffered much in recent months.

As a response, both the French bishops and the country’s Muslim community have launched several initiatives aimed at praying for France, its people and for Christians.

Friday, July 29, was declared by the bishops as a day of fasting after two armed gunmen stormed a church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray in the Normandy region of France July 26, slitting Fr. Hamel’s throat as he celebrated Mass.

After the priest’s murder, which was claimed by the Islamic State, Muslims across France and Italy attended Mass the following Sunday in a sign of solidarity with Catholics.

The initiative was created by the French Center for Muslim Worship, which was joined by the Italian Muslim Religious Community.

The dedication of every Mass on the Feast of the Assumption to France and her intentions, then, marks the latest initiative of the bishops in offering prayers for peace and stability.

Dogmatically defined in 1950, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary’s body into heaven is celebrated Aug. 15 every year, and is one of the most important Marian feast days in the Catholic Church.



VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Remembering the victims of the tragic terrorist attack in Nice, France, Pope Francis prayed that God may give comfort to grieving families and foil the plans of those who wish to harm others.

“May God, the good father, receive all the victims in his peace, support the wounded and comfort the families; may he dispel every plan of terror and death so that no man dares to spill his brother’s blood ever again,” the pope said July 17 after reciting the Angelus prayer with visitors gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

The pope spoke following the July 14 attack during Bastille Day celebrations along Nice’s seaside promenade that killed 84 people. The French government declared three days of mourning beginning July 16.

In a message following the attack signed by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, the pope condemned the Bastille Day attack as an “act of blind violence” and expressed his “deep sorrow” and “spiritual closeness” with the French people.

Before leading a moment of silent prayer at his Angelus address, the pope said the pain in the aftermath of the massacre in Nice, “in which so many innocent lives, even many children were mowed down, is still alive.”

“I give a paternal and fraternal embrace to all the residents of Nice and to the whole French nation. And now, all together, let us pray thinking about this massacre, the victims, and the families,” he said.

In his remarks before reciting the Angelus prayer,¬†Pope Francis reflected on the day’s Gospel reading in which Jesus visits the house of Martha and Mary.

The pope noted that the sisters welcomed Jesus in different ways: Mary sat at the feet of Jesus listening to his word while Martha busied herself “preparing things” and forgetting “the presence of her guest.”

“If you welcome a guest in your house and continue doing things, you will have him sit there — both of you silent — as if he were a rock; a guest made of rock,” he said.

Instead, Christians are called to be like Mary and listen to Jesus whose word “enlightens and sustains all that we are and all that we do.”

“If we are going to pray, for example, before a crucifix, and we talk and talk and talk and then we leave, we don’t listen to Jesus. We don’t allow him to speak to our hearts,” he said.

Reminding the faithful that hospitality is a work of mercy, Pope Francis warned that it is also a virtue that “runs the risk of being left aside,” often due to the hustle and bustle of daily life in which people “don’t have time to listen.”

“I ask you to learn to listen and to dedicate more time to this. The root of peace lies in our capacity to listen,” the pope said.