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Why is abortion a big debate during the Coronavirus?  Timmerie discusses this and her love for Saint John Paul II.  Timmerie is joined by guest Patrick Novocosky, author of the new book “100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World”  They’ll discuss not only how this saint changed the world but also their lives and things such as religious liberty, the value of suffering, death, human dignity, athletes, theology of the body, sexuality, and more.


* Update, since recording this, the ebook is available.  The hard copy publication date has been pushed out to October 2020.


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Host Timmerie to run a workshop in your area



Originally broadcast on 4/4/20


VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Representatives from the Catholic and Orthodox churches and the Muslim and Jewish faiths signed a joint declaration at the Vatican reaffirming each religion’s clear opposition to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.

They also encouraged promoting palliative care so that dying patients could receive the best, most comprehensive physical, emotional, social, religious and spiritual care and appropriate support for their families, according to the joint statement.

Pope Francis met Oct. 28 with the signatories, who presented him with a copy of the declaration they signed a few hours earlier at a Vatican ceremony. The signatories included representatives from the Vatican, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Patriarchate of Moscow and All Russia, Muslim and Jewish scholars and leaders.

The declaration, titled, “Position paper of the Abrahamic monotheistic religions on matters concerning the end of life,” was prepared by the Pontifical Academy for Life and released Oct. 28.

Because of wide debate and discussion in society concerning end-of-life issues and policies, the aim of the joint statement was to clearly present the positions of the monotheistic faiths concerning “the values and practices relevant to the dying patient,” their families, health-care providers and policy makers who belong to one of these religions, it said.

The faith leaders, it said, share “common goals and are in complete agreement in their approach to end-of-life situations,” affirming that:

— Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are “inherently and consequentially morally and religiously wrong and should be forbidden with no exceptions. Any pressure upon dying patients to end their lives by active and deliberate actions is categorically rejected.”

— “No health care provider should be coerced or pressured to either directly or indirectly assist in the deliberate and intentional death of a patient through assisted suicide or any form of euthanasia, especially when it is against the religious beliefs of the provider,” and as such, conscientious objection “should be respected.”

— “We encourage and support validated and professional palliative care everywhere and for everyone. Even when efforts to continue staving off death seems unreasonably burdensome, we are morally and religiously duty-bound to provide comfort, effective pain and symptoms relief, companionship, care and spiritual assistance to the dying patient and to her/his family.

— “We commend laws and policies that protect the rights and the dignity of the dying patient, in order to avoid euthanasia and promote palliative care.”

The joint statement said communities must help patients so that any fear of being a burden does not lead to their believing they are useless or have a life with no value or dignity, but rather they see they do deserve care and support until their life’s natural end.

The declaration called upon all policymakers and health care providers to familiarize themselves with the position paper and the perspectives and teachings of the three monotheistic faiths in order to help provide “the best care to dying patients and to their families who adhere to the religious norms and guidance of their respective religious traditions.”

“We are committed to involving the other religions and all people of goodwill,” as well, it said.

The idea for a joint declaration had been proposed to the pope by Rabbi Avraham Steinberg, an Israeli medical ethics expert, pediatric neurologist and member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Appointed in 2017 by Pope Francis, Rabbis Steinberg and Fernando Szlajen of Argentina were the first rabbis ever invited to be members of the papal academy


VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Medical advancements do not help if they treat people as objects or when they are applied only to those people who are not considered a burden and “deserve” to be helped, Pope Francis said.

In addition, euthanasia, which is legal in a number of places, “only seemingly promises to promote personal freedom; in reality it is based on a utilitarian view of the person, who becomes useless or may be equated with a cost if, from a medical point of view, there is no hope for improvement or pain can no longer be avoided,” he said.

The pope was speaking Sept. 2 to doctors, patients and members of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology. The pope praised the nonprofit group for its work in promoting cancer prevention, personalized care for patients and cooperation among all medical and scientific fields for the common good.

This customized and multifaceted kind of oncological care focuses not just on the illness, but also on the patient, utilizing medical advancements to serve the person, he said.

“Technology is not at the service of people when it reduces them to things, when it distinguishes between who still deserves to be cured and who doesn’t because they are considered to be just a burden” and something to be “thrown away,” the pope said.

After criticizing the practice of euthanasia, the pope underlined the importance of accompanying patients throughout their illness and providing palliative care and hospice, which all help contribute to “a culture and practices more attentive to the value of every person.”

He asked members of the group to resist becoming discouraged by the lack of understanding they may face or by the “relentless proposal for more radical and hasty paths” to take.

Pope Francis encouraged them to find ways to always “translate hope” and offer it even in the most difficult cases.

He also recognized the important role of raising greater public awareness about cancer prevention, regular testing and healthy habits.

“The best and truest prevention, in fact, is a healthy environment and a lifestyle that respects the human body” and how it works, he said.

“As we know, this does not always depend on individual choices, but also on the places where people live, especially in major city centers, that subject the body to constant stress” because of their fast-paced lifestyle and exposure to pollutants.

This, too, highlights the need to take care of the natural world, “our common home which we have to respect so that it respects us back,” he said.

“Safeguarding the environment and the fight against tumors then become two sides of the same problem, two complementary aspects of the same battle of civilization and humanity.”


Where will silence take us?  To an undesired grave.  This year we have seen a radical turn toward abortion expansion and an overall culture of death.  At the same time, the most pro-life laws since Roe v. Wade have been passed.  Change hearts and minds by equipping yourself  to be a voice for life.  Speak up and help bring about joy in the pursuit for happiness.

Father Tim Grumbach joins Trending with Timmerie as they discuss euthanasia, end of life decisions, death with dignity, forced abortion, and why men are afraid of rejection.


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Originally broadcast on 7/13/19


On today’s broadcast, Deacon Steve welcomes back his longtime friend, Kathleen Eaton-Bravo of OBRIA Clinics. Kathleen has been a champion and leader in the pro-life movement for many years.

Our conversation today will touch on the state of all things ‘pro-life,’ as we assess where we stand here in the Summer of 2019..





Originally broadcast on 6/30/19


ROME (CNS) — Intentionally causing a patient’s death is different from accepting that a patient is dying, then providing emotional and spiritual support and pain relief, said a doctor who practices and promotes palliative care. 

Dr. Eduardo Bruera, medical director of the Department of Supportive Care Center at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, was one of the speakers at a Feb. 28-March 1 international congress on palliative care sponsored by the Pontifical Academy for Life. 

“The reality is that, in medicine, we have focused much more on disease than on patients,” Bruera said. For example, he said, patients who report a “high-symptom burden” may be suffering from their cancer or from the toxicity of their treatment, but their situation also may be approaching the unbearable because they lost their job or are worrying about the impact of their illness on their families. 

Palliative care, Bruera said, asks the medical team, the patient and the family to work together to alleviate suffering, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual. 

In a message to the conference at Rome’s Augustinian Patristic Institute, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, said palliative care involves “a rediscover of the most profound vocation of medicine, which consists first of all in taking care of the patient. The doctor’s task always is to care, even when it is not possible to heal.” 

Obviously, he said, medicine and medical research have an enduring commitment to discovering new cures and defeating illness, but palliative care shows an awareness that, when everything medical has been attempted, limits must be “recognized and accepted.” 

“When all the resources of ‘doing’ seem to be exhausted,” he said, “then comes the most important aspect of human relations, that of ‘being’: being present, being near, being accepting.” 

For Christians, he said, that means “sharing the impotence of those reaching the end of life,” and making sure that the final phase of a person’s life on earth “is no longer a place of separation and solitude, but an occasion of encounter and communion.” 

“Pain therapy” is a particularly sensitive area of palliative care, he said, noting that “already Pope Pius XII, distinguishing it from euthanasia, clearly gave legitimacy to the administration of analgesics to alleviate unbearable pain that could not be treated in any other way even when, in the phase of imminent death, it could cause a shortening of life.” 

“Attentive discernment and much prudence” also is needed when determining the appropriate use of pharmacological sedation, “especially when prolonged and profound,” because it “annuls the relational and communicative dimension” of palliative care, especially its emphasis on family and community. 

Prolonged sedation at the end of life, he said, “is, therefore, always partially unsatisfactory and so should be considered an extreme measure to be taken only after having examined and clarified its implications attentively.” 

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Academy for Life, said palliative care’s focus on communication among caregivers, patients and family members is essential for overcoming the confusion and debate about “therapeutic obstinacy,” which is using “an excess of treatments that lead to useless suffering.” 

“In other words,” he said, “doing everything possible — when understood in the sense of always using every means available — can mean doing too much.” 

“Doing more does not always mean doing better,” the archbishop said. 

Archbishop Paglia told the conference that experience has shown that people who support or request euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide focus on “two fears: that of being abandoned and that of pain.” 

Palliative care, he said, is an attempt to respond to and allay such fears and, as such, “is a fundamental part of our pro-life work.” 

Bishop Kevin W. Vann of Orange, California, attended the meeting on behalf of the California Catholic Conference, which is working closely with the Alliance of Catholic Health Care to educate people about palliative care and offer it in every Catholic hospital in California, which made physician-assisted suicide legal in 2016. 

The Catholic program is called “Whole Person Care” and has the mission of showing every person they are “loved, wanted and worthy and will be prepared for and supported in health and serious illness through the end of life,” according to the project outline. 

Bishop Vann told Catholic News Service the project offers “an alternative to physician-assisted suicide” by “improving all of our pastoral care and outreach.” 

“Being present to folks” who experiencing the fragility of the end of life, “being on the journey with them to explain to them and teach them” the sacred value of life at every stage and, particularly, showing them that they are not alone are essential for combating euthanasia, the bishop said. 

When the California legislation passed, he said, fear of dying alone and in pain and a desire to exercise autonomy at the last moments of life seemed to be the primary motivations for supporting the measure. 

The reason the church and Catholic hospitals launched their project, he said, “is to show folks they are not alone; we are there with them.”