The Norbertines at St. Michael’s Abbey have launched a new video series called “After the Upper Room,” which explores the extraordinary lives of the Apostles after Pentecost. Each episode of the new series focuses on one of the Apostles and delves into his life, faith, and influence on the world after Pentecost. The first video in the series features the Apostle Andrew.
“The Apostles couldn’t be more foundational to our faith. They led such extraordinary and inspiring lives, yet there aren’t a great deal of popular resources that delve specifically into their lives. So we thought, ‘Why not do the research for you and show their influence on the world after Pentecost?’ Our hope is that this new series fires you to preach the Gospel to every creature,” said Fr. Chrysostom, Prior.
This new video series is a part of the Norbertines’ Abbot’s Circle, which features videos, audio, and written content from the Norbertine confreres for lay Catholics, priests, and religious. “After the Upper Room” follows the successful launch of the Abbot’s Circle and the City of Saints web television series in the spring of 2017, detailing the work of the Norbertine priests among the people of Southern California, reaching over a million viewers worldwide, and helping to support future projects to spread the faith.
In March of 2018, the Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael’s Abbey completed one of the largest capital campaigns in the history of the Catholic Church in America, securing $120 million for a new abbey to handle the influx of vocations to the abbey.
Access to the Abbot’s Circle digital library is given as a “thank you” to the monthly benefactors who support the ministries of St. Michael’s and the formation of future priests and seminarians. 100% of donations are tax deductible. St. Michael’s Abbey currently supports 38 seminarians, with 2 others on a waiting list (awaiting space). To join the Abbot’s Circle go to