Host Patrick Mott talks with Dr. Paul Ford, one of the foremost authorities on the life and writings of C.S. Lewis. Dr. Paul Ford, a professor of Theology and Liturgy at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo who is also an internationally recognized expert on the life and writings of C.S. Lewis and is a board member of the C.S. Lewis Foundation, which is headquartered in Redlands.
Dr. Victoria Graf, a professor of Special Education and the head of Educational Support Services at Loyola Marymount University, speaks with Mott about a unique schools program designed for children with Down Syndrome and autism that benefits both these categories of special learners and everyone else in the classroom.
Monsignor Mike Heher, the former Vicar General of the Diocese of Orange and the current pastor of St. Anne Church in Seal Beach, explains the many benefits of annual priest retreat. This annual retreat is offered to all priests in the diocese as an opportunity to recharge their physical and spiritual batteries.