I’d like to share a beautiful photo of my family visiting the Church of the Cristero Martyrs in Guadalajara, Mexico. We were there visiting familia during Thanksgiving break.
My name is Alfredo Zarate, Jr. and from left to right are my wife Jannethe, my daughter Bella and my son Johannes. The concrete and stainless steel, mega-structure sits on a prominent hill heading towards Zapopan.
Just to the left of the impressive altar, below the podium, is a Holy Relic Display containing the bone fragments of each of the Cristero Saints who were executed shouting, “Viva Cristo Rey,” during the height of the Cristero War, 1926-1930.
We all left with an awe-inspiring memory of this important date in church history.
—The Zarate Family are registered parishioners at both Holy Family Catholic Church in Orange and St. Joseph Catholic Church in Santa Ana