Bishop Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange
Father Christopher Smith, Rector of Christ Cathedral
Dr. Patricia Lamb, Director of Music and Organist, Our Lady, Queen of Angels, and head of the Music Task Force, who created the vision for the Music Program of Christ Cathedral and the hiring of the first Music Director.
Enjoy Bishop Vann and Fr. Christopher as they talk about their beginning studies as a musician and just how their musical life led them to religious life. They detail their musical hopes and dreams for the new Christ Cathedral. Dr. Patricia Lamb joins them to explain the work of the Diocesan Music task Force, which together with Bishop Vann and Fr. Christopher, formed the vision for the musical life of this wonderful new cathedral.
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Chosen by Bishop Vann:
Hymn Prelude on Rhosymedre or “Lovely”, Todd Wilson, In a Quiet Cathedral
Toccata from the Fifth Symphony, Virgil Fox, The Digital Fox, Volume II,
Chosen by Fr. Christopher:
Fugue in g minor, BWV 578, “Little G Minor”, Ton Koopman. Bach: Complete Organ Works
Chosen by Dr. Lamb: Let all the world in every corner sing Southwestern Seminary Oratorio Chorus & The Fort Worth Chamber Orchestra Masterworks Montage
Purchase your music on and support Christ Cathedral on Amazon Smile.
Originally aired on May 27, 2017