Celebrating the installation of Father John M. Shimotsu as the new pastor of St. Anne’s Seal Beach are: Front row, left to right: Fr. Kevin Sweeney, retired Navy Chaplin and Pastor, St. Vincent de Paul, Huntington Beach; Fr. Enrique Sera, retired Navy Chaplin and Pastor, St Mary, Fullerton; Msgr. Mike Heher, Pastor Emeritus, St. Anne, Seal Beach; Fr. Edward Jablonski, Extern Priest, St. Anne, Seal Beach. Back Row, left to right: Fr. John M. Shimotsu, retired Navy Chaplin and Pastor, St. Anne, Seal Beach; Bishop Kevin W. Vann, Bishop of the Diocese of Orange; Dcn. Jerry Wallace, Deacon, St. Vincent de Paul, Huntington Beach; Msgr. Stephen Doktorczyk, Vicar General of the Diocese of Orange. Not present in the photo, but concelebrating at Mass: Fr. Bob Vidal, Pastor Emeritus, St. Anne, Seal Beach.