DIACONATE ASSIGNMENT: Mission Hospital, Mission Viejo
HOW THEY MET: “Upon becoming classmates in 7th grade”
WHAT THEY DO FOR FUN: “Visiting distant parts of the world. Being involved in the lives of our twin granddaughters as they grow into beautiful healthy young adults as well as getting to know our brand new granddaughter.”
HIS ROLE IN THE CHURCH: “To minister to and be available to patients at Mission Hospital, especially those in the grip of addiction. In my parish… Baptisms, vigils and graveside services, Holy Hours, etc.”
HOW HE WAS CALLED TO THE DIACONATE: “Witnessing the life and actions of two deacons and their wives assigned to our parish in the years prior to my entering diaconate formation”
HIS GREATEST CHALLENGE: “Listening to and journeying with patients who are addicted to drugs or alcohol”
FAVORITE SCRIPTURE: Mark 10: 13-16 — “And the people were bringing children to Him that He might touch them…”
John 14: 1-6 — “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled…’”