For 74 years and counting, St. Anne School continues to stand as a beacon of light on Main Street, bringing academic excellence, faith, hope, and service to the community of Santa Ana. Bishop Vann and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Erin Barisano joined St. Anne School in Santa Ana to bless the school’s enlarged playground earlier this fall.
The larger school community gathered at the blessing to thank key contributors to the school – donors, volunteers, staff, school families, and community members. Many worked behind the scenes to make the vision of growth a reality. The school now has an enlarged playground, a relocated shrine closer to the church, updated landscaping, a remodeled kitchen, a new security system for the church and school, a new science curriculum, all while continuing to provide tuition assistance for qualified students.
American bishops have said that “…young people of the third millennium must be a source of energy and leadership in our Church and our nation. And, therefore, we must provide young people with an academically rigorous and doctrinally sound program of education.” (Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary School is in the Third Millennium, 2005).
The enlarged playground will give children more space during breaks so that students can optimize absorption of content materials being taught in the classroom. The Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Physical Activity and Physical Education in the School Environment reviewed the status of physical activity and physical education in the school environment (including before, during, and after school) in 2013. Their findings included that outdoor recess helps student to stay on task in the classroom. It also helps students “refine social skills, learn social mediation skills surrounding fair play,” among other benefits.
St. Anne School is also is implementing more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities in the curriculum. Through a generous gift of $15,000, the school purchased a new science curriculum for Grades 3-8 and has reorganized their science lab so that the equipment and materials are readily available. At the 2019 diocesan academic decathlon, the school achieved fourth place as a group, and three students won individual medals.
As for formation in Catholic spirituality, the school begins to hold grade-level retreats for parents and children so they can journey together in faith as a family.
Generations have walked through the halls of St. Anne School in Santa Ana. Started in September 1945 with the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the school continues to serve the parish community and beyond. The Sisters of the Company of Mary took charge of the school in 1980. Thirty-nine years later, the school is continued to be blessed by the presence of a religious sister, Sr. Teresa Lynch, CSJ, who leads the school as principal. For alumni who are looking to get back in touch with the St. Anne School community, a reunion will be held on October 19, 2019 from 6:30 PM -10:00 PM at St. Anne School Campbell Center. Please call the school at 714-542-9328 for details and reservations.