“Call me Catholic,” with Host Peggy Normandin, features the following guests:
“Did You See This”
Regarding: Religion and Ethics Newsweekly article for April 17,2015 “Church Mass Mobs”
We’ll interview, founder of the Mass Mob movement, from Buffalo, NY, on what inspired him to use a pop trend to fill the pews in old churches.
“Muse in Review”
In studio guest will discuss her journey as a fine artist internationally acclaimed for her exquisite collection of saints’ portraits.
“One of Us”
Wife of distinguished three-star General H.R. McMaster will talk with us about the perils and blessings of being a Catholic in the army.
“My Sainted Mother – Stories from a Catholic Life/ The Godfather”
Julie shares her love story and how four godsons carry on the legacy of her husband.