Thanks to the generosity and commitment of many faithful parishioners throughout the Diocese of Orange, the Pastoral Services Appeal is poised to reach great heights in 2016.
As we come together as a family of God to celebrate our 40th anniversary as a Diocese, we reflect with joy on the faith and charity of those who have supported the life of the Church for all these years. The 38th annual Pastoral Services Appeal brings us together as members of the diocesan church and our own parishes to support our faith through ministries and services that sustain and supplement our work as the Church of Orange.
“I would like to thank everybody for their generosity,” said Bishop Vann. “Gifts to the PSA represent an investment in the future of our diocese. The PSA helps us to be outward focused, for instance through our work with Catholic Charities and Catholic Detention Ministry. We think of the history of our Diocese and we recall the generosity of all of our people who have supported seminarian education and the many other PSA-funded ministries over all these many years. We continue that great gift of thanking God for his generosity by giving back to him.”
The mission of the PSA is to reinforce the mission of each parish and center while reaching out to those in the wider community by providing support, training, formation, education and outreach through the ministries and services funded through the PSA. Each and every individual gift to the PSA contributes toward this goal and makes a difference.
As we begin a new campaign year, please prayerfully discern how you can make a difference by making a sacrificial gift to the PSA through your own parish. Your gift will multiply and come back to you through spiritual growth opportunities, leadership training, giving to the wider community and supporting your own parish’s vital projects.
Gifts to the PSA can be made online at on the PSA tab or by completing a pledge envelope and turning it in at your parish. Full PSA ministry descriptions can be reviewed at
Each parish has an assigned goal for the PSA to raise their fair share of the PSA- funded ministries and services. All gifts received over the assigned goal amount are rebated back to the parishes on a monthly basis.
Blessed Sacrament $110,000
Catholic Deaf Community $1,000
Christ Cathedral $143,000
Christ Our Savior $46,000
Corpus Christi $90,000
Holy Family Cathedral $164,000
Holy Family, S.B. $33,000
Holy Spirit $132,000
Holy Trinity $65,000
Immaculate Heart of Mary $88,000
Pope John Paul II Polish Center $30,000
Korean Martyrs Center $54,000
La Purisima $113,000
Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano $131,000
Our Lady of Fatima $108,000
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Delhi $29,000
Our Lady of Guadalupe, L.H. $127,000
Our Lady of Guadalupe, S.A. $57,000
Our Lady of La Vang $57,000
Our Lady of Peace Korean Community $27,000
Our Lady of Mount Carmel $82,000
Our Lady of the Pillar $91,000
Our Lady Queen of Angels $185,000
Ss. Simon & Jude $183,000
San Antonio de Padua $136,000
San Francisco Solano $163,000
Santa Clara de Asís $73,000
Santiago de Compostela $112,000
St. Angela Merici $101,000
St. Anne, S.A. $63,000
St. Anne, S.B. $52,000
St. Anthony Claret $75,000
St. Barbara $138,000
St. Bonaventure $160,000
St. Boniface $139,000
St. Catherine of Siena $74,000
St. Cecilia $127,000
St. Columban $147,000
St. Edward the Confessor and San Felipe de Jesus $235,000
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton $76,000
St. Hedwig $110,000
St. Irenaeus $174,000
St. Joachim $77,000
St. John Neumann $127,000
St. John the Baptist $99,000
St. John Vianney Chapel $63,000
St. Joseph, Placentia $111,000
St. Joseph, S.A. $36,000
St. Juliana Falconieri $110,000
St. Justin Martyr $101,000
St. Kilian $120,000
St. Martin de Porres $117,000
St. Mary $63,000
St. Mary’s By Sea $34,000
St. Nicholas $99,000
St. Norbert $151,000
St. Philip Benizi $66,000
St. Pius V $122,000
St. Polycarp $93,000
St. Thomas Korean Center $101,000
St. Thomas More $108,000
St. Timothy $131,000
St. Vincent de Paul $117,000